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“So I told them the truth: the hours are terrible, the pay is terrible, the conditions are terrible; you’re underappreciated, unsupported, disrespected and frequently physically endangered. But there’s no better job in the world.” (Kay 198)

Series Trailer from Rotten Tomatoes TV YT Channel

"This Is Going to Hurt" is a collection of diary entries from Adam Kay’s former career as a medical doctor in the United Kingdom. The book is divided into chapters named after the positions he held as a doctor, with the first few pages centering upon his decision to work in the medical field. From life-and-death decisions to sleepless night shifts to the loss of patients, the author attempts to capture every aspect of both physical and emotional struggles faced in hospital wards, which are often unnoticed. Aside from that, the book never loses sight of emphasizing the place medical residents have in our lives as well as the sacrifices they make for the sake of their community. Yet he manages to do all of this while remaining humorous and amusing.

Author interview courtesy of This Morning's YT Channel

I have never thought that a nonfiction book could take me on a rollercoaster of emotions. Nonetheless, apart from the times it has made me laugh, there have also been heartbreaking moments scattered throughout the book. Besides that, because it is simply a compilation of the experiences the author went through, mostly told in an informal manner and with honesty, it feels like you’re catching up with an old friend you haven’t seen in years. With the author’s humorous manner, informative writing, and attention-grabbing stories, it was a page turner for me, and I couldn't put it down for a few days. Also, for anyone having doubts regarding the medical terms, though there are a significant number of them, the author never hesitates to explain them in an entertaining and engaging way. Overall, it was an interesting and enjoyable read, and I would recommend it to anyone thinking about pursuing a degree in the medical field or who is interested in the daily lives of health care professionals.

Photo Credit: Ege Havlucu, taken from on cellphone

Citations:Kay, Adam. This Is Going to Hurt. Picador, 2017.


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